Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Aren't these beautiful?!!!

Here's our baby helping herself to a fresh picked basket of tomatoes from the garden tonight

Why not start her early? :)

"Mom, can I have these green beans too?"--Elisa

Yummy veggie baby pics

Elisa, Elisa, Elisa, Elisa....

Monday, September 1, 2008

The garden is at its peak

Our friend, Chris took this family pic for us.
He's in our area for a month as he has some AF training nearby. We've known his family for 7+ years now.
Today we are going to harvest some of our corn and share

Caleb gets the first ear

Silly heads!

Mom & Elisa pick corn together too

Mom & Elisa

Caroline getting an ear

Elisa decided to taste the husks

She thinks the corn is better~

Chris joined us for a "peeling the husks" party!

Joshy chowing the corn!


Mom thinks so too!