Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back at the Garden...

Gardner Caroline ready for duty...
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Lots of work to do today

Yey! The first plot is ready for planting! Ben has tilled it and prepared it! Looks much better now, doesn't it?!!
This tiller is a beast! (I'm talking about the machine :)

Caleb digging in the kids' garden area...can you guess what he's looking for? Earthworms!
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sowing seeds

Ben and Caroline sowing the first seeds in our garden! They started with peas, then a few varieties of lettuce, and then spinach

What an exciting day for the kids!
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Finally, Caleb waters the new seeds that were sown.
We pray that God will allow the seeds to grow well and yield an abundance of food!
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Friday, April 20, 2007

Working the soil...

This is the mess we are starting with! Lots of work to do!
There are TONS of earthworms in the that's a good sign!
The kids are fascinated at all of the earthworms...some of them are HUGE!

Joshua off in his own corner doing some manly guy work!

The "little Mommy" as she called herself, sitting in her "mommy chair" supervising her Mom!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Visit #2 to our garden

This morning we were up and at our garden around 9am. Today Ben has the day off, so we've decided to go work more on our plots. We have purchased 2 plots in the main garden area. Its a pretty good location, as they are located by the compost bins, the tool shed, and the kids area. Today our goal was to focus on the less "desperate" of the two plots, by doing heavy weeding and tilling by hand. We managed to get a little less then half of it done...its hard work!
Neither of our plots has been worked recently, so there are tons of hideous weeds, rocks, and stubble to be removed before we can use a motorized tiller and then add compost. And then, once all that is done, we can start planting our early crops....then we've got the second plot waiting to be conquered!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Today we're starting our seeds!

Out on the deck at home we prepared our moss planters as a "baby veggie nursery"

Caroline and Caleb waiting patiently for Dad to get the seeds ready to be planted
We're hoping to grow: Peas, Green beans, Carrots, 3 types of lettuce, Spinach, Cucumbers,
3 types of tomatoes, Chile Peppers, Sweet Peppers, Corn, Pumpkins, & Watermelon
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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Our 1st work-day at the Garden!

The three kiddos enjoying a wheelbarrow ride back into the garden

Mom and Caleb bringing in another load of mulch to add to the pathway at our 1st work-day

Caroline did her fair share of hard work too!

The three boys helped work on digging deep holes for some big supports to go in, which will be a part of a new shade structure
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Joshua, of course, loves playing in the dirt more than anything

Caroline made a new friend, MiraLee (age 6)

Caroline, Caleb, an MiraLee loading up another wheelbarrow full of mulch

They're working hard together!
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