Monday, June 22, 2009

Our first FRESH garden salad this season!

Joshua found the first ripe homegrown cherry tomato, so here he is getting ready to chomp down on it!

And Mom could hardly wait to have this fresh lettuce mix in her salad! Yum!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Garden Progress- its been one month since planting

Here are our Raspberry plants- they transplanted well from a lady's garden I found on Craig's list!
Here is one of the 4 tomato bushes...doing really well. We have 2 plants that aren't doing so well and they are looking rather "sickish." I have since re-potted them and bought some tomato plant food to try and beef them up and nurse them back to health. I'll let you know how is goes. I used something called "Tomato-tone" for organic gardening by Espoma.

Here is the main garden from high up- the lettuces are doing really well! And so are the strawberry plants
Our Green Pepper and yellow pepper plants, we've got our first green pepper coming!

Here is 1 of the 4 cucumber plants...we hope to have more success that we did last year!
Our kids LOVE to eat cucumbers and I'm ready to stop having to pay $1.00 or more per cucumber at the grocery store :)
I'm excited about our lettuces...we have Romaine, Red Leaf, & Buttercrunch-
I'll also be glad no to have to buy lettuce at the store for awhile! Organic is pricey!
And we have Spinach...LOTS of Spinach!