Friday, September 11, 2009

The end of the season...and pretty daughters

Our Sunflowers have seen their last days of they are drying out and the seeds are ready to be harvested. Caleb especially enjoyed picking out the seeds

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A "Special" sort of harvest...

Joshua and Elisa both eyeballed some new cucumbers that were ready to be picked...
so they put on their "special"outfits...complete with glove(s). Oh my!

Joshua wanted to show Elisa all of the little bumps on the cucumber
(notice all of Elisa's outfit)

So cute!

Elisa looking for more cucumbers...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bountiful Harvest today

We just returned from a vacation and had lots of work to do in the garden...Caroline helped pick 6 rather large cucumbers!

People tend to tell us that we "have our hands full" when we go out in public...
well, I don't think we look quite as "full" as Caroline does here!
Either way, its a GOOD thing :)

Another season of beautiful tomatoes...we love this sight (and smell)

Caroline just picked these and she took this picture:
Caleb's pumpkin garden is doing quite well too...I think he's up to 14 pumpkins that he can hardly wait to sell

We now have raspberries coming along!

And another of 2 more cucumbers on the way:

and another green bell pepper!
I love to eat them on homemade pizza


Friday, July 31, 2009

Caleb's got cucumbers

Caleb harvested his first homegrown cucumber this morning! He's been waiting and waiting for this! He loves cucumbers!
One just about needs to wear gloves since the cucumber vines are a bit prickly!
Oh yeah- he got it
Then he took it inside and skinned it to eat!
CHOP, Chop!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Early July Update

Caleb is down checking on our cucumber plants...they are off to a great start:

Peeking in on the strawberries...we see some red!

These two kiddos are still pretty happy even with just a small handful of homegrown strawberries:
A bird's eye view of our main garden: spinach is at the bottom and has come in solid, then the other rows are romaine, red lead, and a salad mix of lettuce, also strawberries, cucumber plants, and 2 pepper plants

Monday, June 22, 2009

Our first FRESH garden salad this season!

Joshua found the first ripe homegrown cherry tomato, so here he is getting ready to chomp down on it!

And Mom could hardly wait to have this fresh lettuce mix in her salad! Yum!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Garden Progress- its been one month since planting

Here are our Raspberry plants- they transplanted well from a lady's garden I found on Craig's list!
Here is one of the 4 tomato bushes...doing really well. We have 2 plants that aren't doing so well and they are looking rather "sickish." I have since re-potted them and bought some tomato plant food to try and beef them up and nurse them back to health. I'll let you know how is goes. I used something called "Tomato-tone" for organic gardening by Espoma.

Here is the main garden from high up- the lettuces are doing really well! And so are the strawberry plants
Our Green Pepper and yellow pepper plants, we've got our first green pepper coming!

Here is 1 of the 4 cucumber plants...we hope to have more success that we did last year!
Our kids LOVE to eat cucumbers and I'm ready to stop having to pay $1.00 or more per cucumber at the grocery store :)
I'm excited about our lettuces...we have Romaine, Red Leaf, & Buttercrunch-
I'll also be glad no to have to buy lettuce at the store for awhile! Organic is pricey!
And we have Spinach...LOTS of Spinach!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Its Garden Time...finally!

Well, we just seem to keep getting snow or at least really cold weather...but it appears to be ending, so here we go!
The kids helped bring in the soil mixture we bought and started filling our barrels.

We've decided to do our garden at our house this year- we were considering 2 local garden co-ops in our new area, but after much thinking, we're going to keep it close- out the backdoor.
While we could dig up more of the backyard, as there is ample space, we've gone the easy route and just bought these barrels for the tomato plants (although now we wish we'd have gotten 4 instead of 2)

Here are the 4 tomato starts from Vitamin Cottage- great plants! This year we have 4 different varieties: Heirloom tomatoes, Early Girl, 100 Cherry, and regular Cherry tomatoes--grow girls, grow!

Once the tomatoes were settled in, we spend a whole day removing all of the gazillion rocks out of this prior hot tub bed! That was quite the chore, but now it is done and we've added and mixed up our good soil. It actually makes really neat garden beds, perfect for planting rows of veggies! Here Caleb is planting his cucumbers! Ben made an apparatus to allow the climbing cucumber vines to grow up. We reused this one from last year's tomatoes.

May God bless our garden again, as He has in the past years!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Starting to plan our new garden

The weather here has been just gorgeous! It already feels like Spring here in Colorado. We've always heard that you can plant PEAS on St. Patrick's Day and that is quickly approaching.
So...its time to start planning our planting season!

So far we know we'd like:



This year we might even become sellers at our local Farmer's Market!
The kids are really really interested in this, so we'll see!