Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Lots of work done today!

Here we all are after a long & productive time at the garden. Tonight we didn't get home and sit down to dinner until 8:45 pm! That is highly unusual for us, as you know! We won't make this a habit, but it was fun! Now we've just got to keep up with the weeding and watering!
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In plot #1: Our tomato & pepper starts are still going strong...we ended up loosing all the ones we had grown on our own at home, it was too hot and we weren't faithful enough to come water daily, so they all died pretty quickly.
Ben and I went out and bought these last week on our date night...we hope they "take off!" So far, so good!

Plot #2: we got it all planted tonight...we've spent about 3 hours here, thankfully the kids did well while we worked.
All of our seeds are officially in the ground now! It feels good to have accomplished this big project!

Joshua with a dirty bum! He sure had a good time crawling in the dirt tonight!

Caught him in step! We think he's pretty cute :)
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Just some fun pics I took of Caroline while we waited for the tiller to be loaded

Our Caroline is almost 3 years old already!

Sweet Caroline

Caroline entertaining Joshua, as she often does
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The two young gardeners

Joshua looks thrilled, doesn't he...Caroline looks as though she's admiring her brother

Tonight we are taking the tiller with us to get some repairs done on it

the boys walking it to the trailer
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ben and Caleb shoveling the manure!

The first plot we planted is now growing, planted April 26!

Some Romaine, Butter, & Red Leaf Lettuce making progress!

These are our sugar snap peas

The strawberries!
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